With Reference to the:

Residential Accommodation Expenditure

As a pensioner who lives in West Wales I do not think the Residential Accommodation Expenditure should be extended to AM's who live outside Wales.

The Senedd in Cardiff exists for the purpose of the governance of the people of Wales. People who are AM's or wish to become  one in the future should have their main home in Wales. This should be a condition of standing for election to our Senedd. How else can they understand the needs of and the problems facing the people of Wales if they do not live here? Staying overnight occasionally cannot be construed as being the same.

A precedent must not be set by beginning to pay Residential Accommodation Expenditure allowances to AM's who currently live outside Wales. They've made the choice so let them live with it. The honourable thing to do would be to move to Wales and make that their principle home.

We, the people of Wales, deserve to be represented by elected representatives  who have their main home in our country and not by a collection of commuters from any part of the UK.